Mõni päev tagasi vaatasin õige mitmendat korda Luigi Comencini 1972.a. telefilmi "Pinocchio"- Carlo Collodi poolt loodud puunukust tegelane, eestlasele tuntum Buratino nime all. Mõtlesin omaette, et Benignil oli ikka julgust, et seda lugu pärast Comencini ületamatut meistritööd uuesti filmiks teha. Tema 2002 aasta kahvatu tõlgendus, mis kriitika poolt (õigustatult!) "vähese poeetikaga cliché'ks" tembeldati, jääb üheks Benigni kehvematest filmidest.
Comencini "Pinocchio" on täis omapäraseid, aga väga elulisi atmosfääre. Tegevuspaigaks on 19.sajandi TÕELINE Itaalia oma vasturääkivuste ning vaesusega.Puusepp Geppetto on Nino Manfredi geniaalses esituses unustamatu. Samuti nagu Kass ja Rebane Franchi ning Ingrassia näol, Gina Lollobrigida Fata Turchinana ja Vittorio De Sica väike pärl Kohtuniku rollis. Juba näitlejate valik annab tõendust omapärasest tõlgendusvõtmest.
Kui paljud meist on endalt kunagi küsinud, milline on "Pinocchio" moraal?
Comencini sunnib meid tahes tahtmata selle peale mõtlema. Kui tahad täieõiguslikuks elusolendiks areneda, pead õppima head halvast eristama, oma pea ja südametunnistuse järgi, kuulamata neid, kel alati õige retsept kõige jaoks käepärast. Mitte kuulekus kuulekuse pärast, mitte autoriteedile tumm allumine, vaid teadlik tegutsemine. Vabadusel on vaja meie endi poolt peale pandud ohjasid ja seda ainsa autoriteedi nimel,kelle ees tasub kummardada - Armastus.
Comencini loob sürreaalseid ja samas nii elulähedasi olukordi, abiks maetro Fiorenzo Carpi kõnekas muusika, näitlejate meisterlikkus ning nende poolt kasutatud toskaana murre.
Eks me kõik ole natuke Pinocchiod, kes oma vabadust, selle piire ning maailmas olemise võimalusi otsivad teadmises, et kuskil on armastusväärne "babbo" Geppetto, ikka lootust kaotamata meie kallistust ootamas.
Saan ma siis usku kaotada sellesse suuresse rahvasse, vaatamata sellele, et nad jälle kord Kassi ja Rebast (Berlusconi ja Bossi)usaldasid?
reede, aprill 25, 2008
reede, aprill 11, 2008
Codex Alimentarius ja WTO - see, mida meedia ei seleta
Mida rohkem aeg edasi läheb, seda enam kasvab mu austus ameeriklaste vastu, kes taavetitena võitlevad järjekindlalt suurvõimu koljatitega. See sõnavõtt on suunatud USA elanikele, aga siiski on teema, mis puudutab kogu Planeeti, ükskõik ,kus me kodu ka ei oleks. Need on võitlused, millest meile teavet ei tule. Nagu ütleb Grillo: meedia ei tee enam ammu informatsiooni, vaid puhast propagandat. Informatsiooni peame me ise omavahel jagama ning loetust-kuuldust omad järeldused tegema (olgu nad siis positiivsed või negatiivsed).
Teadmine aitab oma arvamust luua.
See,millest meil aimu pole teeb meid kaitsetuks.
Videos räägitakse ühest kindlast koodeksist, mis seadustab toitlustusega seotud norme.Sellega tutvumine avab silmad ka muu suhtes, kuna seletab hästi, kuidas toimivad TEGELIKU võimu mehhanismid.
CODEX Will Destroy Our Nutritional
Supplements And Organic Foods!
(Warns Rima E. Laibow, MD, With Over 30-years of Medical Experience)..CODEX ALIMENTARIUS is a UN-sponsored global food standards body that is deceptively promoted
as "consumer protection".... Based on junk science (by wrongly treating nutrients as toxins) it is a serious
threat to your health and health freedom. CODEX ALIMENTARIUS serves the financial interests of massive multi-national corporations who are illegally pushing to implement CODEX ALIMENTARIUS in the United States of America...CODEX is harmful to nutritional supplements… because it says "YES" to...• Supplement doses so low that they have no therapeutic effect on you • Making Vitamin C (and all other vitamins and minerals) above a tiny dose per day an illegal
• Prohibiting all but a tiny number of supplements sold in uselessly tiny doses
CODEX is harmful to natural health… because it says "YES" to...
• Destroying the Wellness Industry in order to wipe out competition to the Pharmaceutical Industry
(the more people turn to natural health, the fewer drugs they buy because the fewer drugs they
• Ruining health food stores and wellness companies by wiping out and criminalizing natural health
CODEX is harmful to organic meat and dairy… because it says "YES" to...
• Mandating that all food animals be treated with synthetic growth hormones and antibiotics
despite their documented dangers to you and your family
• Mandating that all dairy cows be treated with Monsanto's rBGH (genetically engineered bovine
growth hormone) despite its documented dangers for you and your family
CODEX is harmful to organic agriculture and clean food… because it says "YES" to...
• Unlabeled use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in your food, despite their documented
dangers to you and your family
• Degrading organic standards to the point at which they become meaningless
• Raising permissible levels for pesticides, veterinary drugs and other toxins in farming to extremely
dangerous levels (so manufacturers of these poisons can make more money)
• Mandating that all food must be irradiated unless eaten locally and raw
CODEX is harmful to you and the Earth… because it says "NO" to…
• Your freedom of choice in health products and natural medicine treatments
• Clean, unadulterated food and a meaningful certified organic farming system
• Our planet's environmental health (CODEX would toxify our world even more)
Teadmine aitab oma arvamust luua.
See,millest meil aimu pole teeb meid kaitsetuks.
Videos räägitakse ühest kindlast koodeksist, mis seadustab toitlustusega seotud norme.Sellega tutvumine avab silmad ka muu suhtes, kuna seletab hästi, kuidas toimivad TEGELIKU võimu mehhanismid.
CODEX Will Destroy Our Nutritional
Supplements And Organic Foods!
(Warns Rima E. Laibow, MD, With Over 30-years of Medical Experience)..CODEX ALIMENTARIUS is a UN-sponsored global food standards body that is deceptively promoted
as "consumer protection".... Based on junk science (by wrongly treating nutrients as toxins) it is a serious
threat to your health and health freedom. CODEX ALIMENTARIUS serves the financial interests of massive multi-national corporations who are illegally pushing to implement CODEX ALIMENTARIUS in the United States of America...CODEX is harmful to nutritional supplements… because it says "YES" to...• Supplement doses so low that they have no therapeutic effect on you • Making Vitamin C (and all other vitamins and minerals) above a tiny dose per day an illegal
• Prohibiting all but a tiny number of supplements sold in uselessly tiny doses
CODEX is harmful to natural health… because it says "YES" to...
• Destroying the Wellness Industry in order to wipe out competition to the Pharmaceutical Industry
(the more people turn to natural health, the fewer drugs they buy because the fewer drugs they
• Ruining health food stores and wellness companies by wiping out and criminalizing natural health
CODEX is harmful to organic meat and dairy… because it says "YES" to...
• Mandating that all food animals be treated with synthetic growth hormones and antibiotics
despite their documented dangers to you and your family
• Mandating that all dairy cows be treated with Monsanto's rBGH (genetically engineered bovine
growth hormone) despite its documented dangers for you and your family
CODEX is harmful to organic agriculture and clean food… because it says "YES" to...
• Unlabeled use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in your food, despite their documented
dangers to you and your family
• Degrading organic standards to the point at which they become meaningless
• Raising permissible levels for pesticides, veterinary drugs and other toxins in farming to extremely
dangerous levels (so manufacturers of these poisons can make more money)
• Mandating that all food must be irradiated unless eaten locally and raw
CODEX is harmful to you and the Earth… because it says "NO" to…
• Your freedom of choice in health products and natural medicine treatments
• Clean, unadulterated food and a meaningful certified organic farming system
• Our planet's environmental health (CODEX would toxify our world even more)
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